How To Enroll Home » How To Enroll Select Service Please indicate the course in which you wish to enrol Please SelectBSB50120 Diploma of BusinessBSB50420 Diploma of Leadership & ManagementBSB50120 & BSB50420 Dual Diploma of Business & Leadership & Management Personal Details Title Please SelectMrMsMrs First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Gender MaleFemaleOther Company Name (if required for invoicing) Unique Student Identifier (If you don’t have a number, go to and create one. From 1st January 2015, we, One 2 One Services Pty Ltd can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification of statement of attainment when you complete your course if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This is a requirement by the Australian Government prior to enrolment) Residential/Company Address Building/property name Flat/unit details Street or lot number Street Name Suburb, locality or town State Post code Country Postal Address Building/property name Flat/unit details Street or lot number Street Name Suburb, locality or town State Post code Country Contact Details Phone (Home) Mobile Email Alternative email address Other Details In which country were you born Main language spoken at home How well do you speak English? Very WellWellNot WellNot at All Are you of Aboriginal origin? YesNo Are you of Torres Strait Islander origin? YesNo Education Background In what year did you complete High School? Highest Level Completed at school? Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education? Have you completed any tertiary studies? YesNo If yes, at what level? Cert ICert IICert III or Trade CertificateCert IV DiplomaAdvanced DiplomaAssociate Diploma Bachelor Masters Disability/Special Needs Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition that could affect your study? YesNo Disability Condition Hearing/DeafPhysicalIntellectualLearningMental IllnessAcquired Brain ImpairmentVisionMedical ConditionAllergies DepressionLanguage DifficultiesOther Employment/Reasons for Study Which best describes your current employment status? Full-time EmployeePart-time EmployeeSelf-Employed – Not EmployingOthersEmployerEmployed – Unpaid worker in a family businessUnemployed – Seeking Full-time workUnemployed – Seeking Part-time workNot - Employed – Not Seeking employment Your major reason(s) for study Get a JobTo Develop my existing businessStart my own businessTo try a different careerTo get a better job or promotionIt is a requirement of my jobTo get into another course of studyFor personal interest of self-developmentOther reasons Recognition of Prior Learning Do You Wish to Apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)/Credit Transfer YesNo If you have ticked yes, we will contact you to make an appointment to discuss your training plan with a Trainer/Assessor or on of our staff Declaration I acknowledge that: I am entering into an agreement with One 2 One Services Pty Ltd and that each has a role to ensure a positive outcome. One 2 One Services Pty Ltd hereby agrees to provide the training, assessment and resources necessary for me to achieve this qualification and I acknowledge my role and responsibility in this agreement. I declare that the information I have provided, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct. I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Statement above. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information provided. I confirm that the information provided by me is true and correct. I have been offered the opportunity for Recognition of Prior of Learning relating to this course and agree to the conditions set out previously. I understand that information contained in these forms, the Student Handbook, which I have received and/or downloaded from the One 2 One Services Pty Ltd website and understand that my information may be provided to State and Commonwealth Agencies and Research Organisations and I consent to that occurring as outlined above. I have been provided with sufficient knowledge about my intended course of study and associated information and I am fully aware of all my rights and obligations.